Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tree Branch Necklace Stand DIY

Hello, everyone!  Today's easy project was inspired by an attempt to organize my jewelry box. I wanted a way to organize my necklaces so that I would feel inspired to wear them.  I am a firm believer in trying to do things simply and inexpensively, and today's DIY is both cheap and easy! You won't even have to leave your yard!

For this Tree Branch Necklace Stand you will need only 3 or 4 things:
1. Several thin branches from a young tree or bush.
2. A vase
4. Rubberband/String/Twine (optional)

Step 1: Head outside and cut or break off several thin branches from a young tree or bush. I happened to have both, so I grabbed a couple branches from each plant.  Make sure you pull the leaves off the branches (or collect them in the winter when there are no leaves!).   Tip: You don't want to pull the leaves off in a way that will strip the branch. It's good for it to have little knobs or smaller branches coming off of it. Not only is it beautiful, the bumps and grooves help hold the necklaces in place.

Step 2: Arrange your branches in a lovely vase. It can be any size that is tall enough to support your branches. This is where the string/rubberband/ twine comes in. My vase has a wide enough mouth that the branches don't stand up well inside of it. If I gathered more I could possibly have enough that the branches could support one another, but I like the aesthetic of having just a few. Typing or banding the bottom of the branches help them stay clustered together, rather than drooping all around a wide mouth vase. Again, this stage is optional. If you have a vase with a small opening, or like the look of the branches sitting a little lower and being more spread out--you don't need to bind the branches.

Step 3. Display all your darling necklaces!

Happy DIY-ing!