Thursday, February 21, 2013

3rd grade is....always good for a laugh

This blog is all about how we are learning to be married, home-keepers, teachers, cooks, and grown ups. I think one of the hardest things about being an adult is being responsible and thoughtful without letting the burden of being responsible and thoughtful weigh you down. And let's face it--no matter what kind of job you have, sometimes (or maybe most of the time) work just feels like work! Who knew? One of the ways I combat my job making me feel like I'm being dragged from a rope tied to a galloping horse is to find some simple thing in it that brings me joy. Lucky for me, I work with kids. And anytime you need to find joy in working with kids, just take a moment to interview a couple of them. The 30 seconds it will take provides some of the most genuine laughter!

I asked my class to complete the following phrases:

Never look a gift horse....
Don't bite the hand...
The grass is always greener...
No news is...

Here are some of the responses:

Don't bite the hand that has a scab on it.

Never look a gift horse in the eye.

Don't bite the hand of a genie.

The grass is always greener than the road.

Don't bite the hand of your friend.

The grass is always greener when there's food coloring on it.

Don't bite the hand in the palm.

The grass is always greener than me.

Never look a gift horse in the face unless it is yours.

Don't bite the hand. It will be nasty.

Grass is always greener when it its taken care of.

Don't bite the hand, it will hurt!

Never look a gift horse in the price tag.

Don't bite the hand, look at the hand.

I feel renewed already! Who doesn't want to work with these comedians?

What do you do to take the edge off a hectic work day?

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